FAQ > Doing business with Queensberry
Colour Management
Queensberry wants to supply you with prints that are high quality and predictable, so what you see on screen is what you get.
No two monitors display colours in exactly the same way, and yet the only way we can view an image before we print it is on screen. How can we tell what the print is going to look like? Start by ca...
Working (colour) Space General informationCameras, scanners, monitors and printers display colours differently from each other. Or to put it another way, the same RGB numbers in a file will look di...
Let's assume we have callibrated our monitor and selected the working space (or "colour space") we want to work with (more information on working space here). It's now time to turn Photoshop colour...
Queensberry wants to supply you with prints that are high quality and predictable. To us that means, what you see on screen is what you get. Making sure that happens is what soft-proofing is all ab...
Queensberry operates a full-service lab that can quickly and effectively correct problem areas in your image files - anything from custom colour correction (to extract the very best from your image...
Our Colour Correction services offer two main benefits — in addition to freeing up your time!First, it will be our team's job to produce the best possible print for you (always dependent of the qua...
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