Marketing Resources


Distance Selling Resources
Ready-to-use visual resources to help your clients choose their cover material, title page and embossing. Printable, emailable, downloadable.


Click through for our stock product imagery, which as an approved Queensberry client you can use in your website and marketing promotions.
Product Promotion Social Media Kit
Don't let your Instagram account go silent. Here are some simple and beautiful graphics to help promote your product launches and print promotions.


Website and Marketing Copy for product promotions
Text you can use as an approved client to talk about Queensberry, and our products and services, in your website and marketing.
Thinking of running a sale? To encourage album sales? New enquiries? Repeat business? The perfect holiday gift? Here's our step-by-step guide to running promotions, from ideas and incentives through to organising your calendar.
How to get your first Print Shop sales
Your first sales are very important. They build momentum and motivation, and help you refine your marketing strategy going forward. Here are eight suggestions to get your first paying customers with Print Shop.
How to make it easy to buy a wedding album
You don't need to make things complicated for your clients! Keep it simple, set expectations, share your enthusiasm, be clear about prices, design the album ASAP, invite feedback, respond quickly.
How to sell wedding albums without being "pushy" or "sales-y"
There are two types of photographers — those who love the sales process, and the rest of us! Most of us really are shy about sales, but selling makes the world go round. Here's how NOT to come across like a used car salesman.
How to make a profit from Micro-Weddings
"Micro-Weddings/Elopements/Minimony(s)." Whatever you like to call them, it appears smaller weddings are here to stay — at least for the foreseeable future. Here's how to adapt your offering and continue to make a profit.
How to talk about products in your own voice and with conviction
How to talk about products? In a nutshell, in your own voice, with conviction!
Love's Not Enough! - our guide to building a profitable photography business
If our customers don’t succeed neither do we. We learned that lesson very early. It’s been a great motivator to listen to our customers, understand their challenges, and learn from their successes and failures. This downloadable book is about the lessons we've learned from 50 years listening to successful Social Photographers.
Food for thought
Photographers regularly ask us for feedback on their price lists — should their pricing be online, should everything be upfront, etc. etc. These conversations make us think about the real problem with price lists.
20 questions to help you build a better business
Here are twenty questions to ask yourself — to help make your business better. They're thought-provoking and worth reviewing regularly, so get a pen and a piece of paper!
How to get more done in your workday
Start doing these things to become more productive — and less stressed — every day.
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