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I know the word "networking" gets bandied about a lot. I used to roll my eyes and put in the same category as "politically correct" and "multi-tasking" but in reality it's where business is today. Once upon a time a photographer could rely on the quality of his images and word of mouth. Maybe a bit of advertising in the Yellow Pages and the odd display in the local mall. Next minute, along comes the internet and screws it all up. Suddenly you have to be on Facebook, Twitter and this that and the other. As a photographer you have a major head start at this. First, you have cool images to show To View More >>
I use the Browse Tab of the PJ Welcome screen a lot, but if you're sending orders to Queensberry the Uploads screen is also important, particularly if there happens to be a problem with your order. The screen has lots of information, so when the list of uploads gets busy you can sort (by any column), search, or filter based on status or upload date. The buttons are really important, and they change depending on the status of the upload. UPLOAD or RESUME - If the upload was interrupted or paused you'll see this. Mind you, when you booted PJ a popup would have reminded you had incomplete uploads) To View More >>
If you reopen an album in Photojunction after sending to Queensberry, you'll notice it's "locked" and cannot be modified. Why? Because if you were to make changes to the album after we've received the order, we'd be making something different, which would certainly cause us confusion – you, us, or all of us – as you can imagine. So if you need to make changes to the album, eg upload new files, or order an extra copy, you'll need to duplicate the album first. Cheers, Angelique To View More >>

My daughter is two, going on three, and fiercely, frustratingly independent. If you're a parent you'll recognize this. She'll spin around and around trying to get both arms up one sleeve of her top. You just have to sit back and wait until she either succeeds, or crashes and burns in a big heap on the ground in tears. If she owned a computer she'd be throwing it out the window, and we all know how she feels. Where I am going with this is, please call us before you feel like doing the same. Someone phoned recently and said, "I've wasted a week trying to make this work". But if the phone call had To View More >>

This post isn't a judgment on the underprivileged, or a suggestion that we all move into gated communities. It is about how to succeed. Who you surround yourself with, according to psychologists, affects how successful you’ll be. The same’s true for who you emulate or seek advice from. If you want a happy family, check out someone who has one. If you want to be wealthy, ask a rich person – not a financial advisor (not the same), and not a poor person either. Unless of course you want a list of what not to do. The internet delivers to us the best and the worst of all advice. I can’t count To View More >>
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