

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.

We’re thrilled to announce updates to our online galleries to suit both school AND wedding/portrait photography.

Are you a full-time wedding and portrait photographer who shoots a few school or day care sessions?

Or maybe you’re the opposite? You focus on school sessions but shoot weddings on the side?

Either way, until now you couldn’t do both in one Workspace account — and that didn’t suit everyone! 

Well, that’s changing.

If you have a Pro account, just go to your Workspace Image Galleries, click on New Gallery, and you’ll have three choices instead of two.

  • Client Gallery (for your wedding and portrait customers)
  • Print Shop Gallery (for your art photography retail sales)
  • School/Daycare Gallery

Here’s a full list of features and benefits for the School/Daycare option, including a unique login and image collection for each student, class photos, and bulk shipping to name just a few.

Important — this has been a restricted function until now, and requires some additional set-up to enable those special features. The link above has detailed how-to information, but If you’ll be using it for the first time we recommend contacting us first to organise an introductory zoom call.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reply to this email or contact us at

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