

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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We love what you're doing in Workspace (and we're watching closely!) You're showing us where to take the new platform, and inspiring us to make it as good as it possibly can be. Next time you log in to Queensberry Workspace you'll discover some major new features that we're sure you'll like - details below - plus we have a new Photojunction release to improve Workspace album proofing. A better experience, and a bargain too! Meantime… OUR HALF-PRICE DEAL ENDS MONDAY! If you like where we're going, our half price introductory special ends on 30 April, so you have just a day or two left to grab it. Plus one lucky person is a few days away from winning a $12,000 draw. HERE'S THE NEWS 1. You can now water-mark your Collections before you share them, and you'll be able to water-mark your blog storyboards very soon. 2. The guys have greatly improved Workspace's overall responsiveness behind the scenes. They've also moved Analytics to the top of the screen (next to Downloads, the Knowledgebase etc) so the Dashboard loads faster. 3. We've improved the image sharing interface, which really is at the heart of Workspace. If you use the "semi-private" option, your website will look cool even if your content is passworded. You now sort your images manually, turn the shopping cart on or off, or choose price lists by Collection (not by Event). 4. We've redesigned the Website Setting page to make it more user friendly, and added extra website templates, with more to follow. 5. Proofing Photojunction albums in Workspace is much improved. Uploads from PJ are three times faster, you can switch between Album Exposure and Workspace as your proofing service (or back again), and, praise be, Workspace can now display wings and flips. 6. To add value to your Workspace account, and promote photography in general, we've built two new Photographers' Directories, one specifically for weddings. Prospects can search for you by location and type. These are extensions to Queensberry's existing client directory. Small photo advertisements and text-only listings are free. You don't need to be a Queensberry client to list. Check out the wedding photographers directory here, or for the general directory click here. To create or edit a listing, or upload images, log into Workspace and go to the "Get Found" menu option. (Your listing will look a whole lot better once you've added images! Type "Auckland" as the location in the wedding directory, and you'll get a better idea of how it's going to look - thanks Chris, Bruce and Kelly for taking prompt action!) Oh, and lest we forget, you can upload your images to Workspace from Lightroom. Download our plug-in for Windows or Mac OSX here. That's not to mention all the usual tweaks and bug fixes. And don't forget our half price deal expires on 30 April. Enjoy! All the best from everyone here at Queensberry, and have a great weekend. Cheers, Ian
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