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“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.” – Oscar Wilde
In this series we shine a light on artists expressing their individuality, documenting what they love, working hard on their craft, and sharing it with the world.
Chris Glaze is an Auckland born and raised landscape photographer who travels New Zealand and the world, exploring and capturing what the earth has to offer.


How did you get started in photography?
I’ve had an interest in photography from a young age. I first really took it seriously when I went backpacking for three years – mostly through Latin America. Photography was a way to document my travels but it quickly turned into more than that. On my return I bought a new camera and jumped straight into it no questions asked.
What is your favourite subject to shoot? Why?
Definitely landscapes, more specifically any landscape with some kind of water in it - waterfalls, lakes, rugged beaches. I’ve always had a strong connection to the ocean. Whether that’s because I’ve always lived very close to it, I’m not sure. Visually, water is so freeing and images of it give me a sense of peace.


How do you stay inspired? What do you do when in a creative rut?
Oooo the rut question, falling into a creative rut every now and again is completely unavoidable. It’s all part of the creative process. When you’re in a creative rut you quickly lose faith in your abilities and work and it can be so frustrating. Sometimes all it takes is a beautiful sunrise to reignite the flame. Other times it’s not that easy but I think once you remove the pressure from yourself that’s when the creative juices start flowing again. Sometimes all your brain needs is a little break. A great thing to do when you’re in a rut is to learn new skills. For me that’s jumping on YouTube and watching photography tutorials. That means when you next pick up the camera you have something to experiment with. The creative highs after a rut are totally worth all that self-doubt! To stay inspired I constantly location scout or browse through images of my favourite photographers.


What does a typical day look like for you?
The morning of a typical shooting day includes a good barista made coffee from Coffee General in Birkenhead. I’ll read through the photography brief from the client and bullet point ideas on my phone to prevent any brain blocks on the shoot. I have recently been doing a lot of Architectural and Spatial photography – this will involve walking around the subject area and getting a vibe for it before I start. Once I’m happy with the images I capture, I’ll head straight home and edit so I still have the feeling of the place inside my head.


What advice would you give photographers starting out?
Find your style, learn whenever you have time, don’t give up, and most importantly BE CONSISTENT!
What's a photo you’re most proud of? Can you tell us the story behind it?
Now that’s a tough one! I like all my photos for different reasons, but let’s not be diplomatic. The image that popped straight into my head when you asked the question was a photo I took in Taranaki on a forest walk earlier in the year. For me the image truly captured how walking into the forest felt that day – almost like a yellow brick road into the unknown, knowing that I would be rewarded with a beautiful mountain backdrop a little while after.


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