

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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This post isn't a judgment on the underprivileged, or a suggestion that we all move into gated communities. It is about how to succeed. Who you surround yourself with, according to psychologists, affects how successful you’ll be. The same’s true for who you emulate or seek advice from. If you want a happy family, check out someone who has one. If you want to be wealthy, ask a rich person – not a financial advisor (not the same), and not a poor person either. Unless of course you want a list of what not to do. The internet delivers to us the best and the worst of all advice. I can’t count To View More >>

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And no, this is not a scam. For those not in the know, I'm based at the Queenberry lab. They put up with me here as long as I sit quietly in the corner. It's a bit crowded as Philip Laing is sitting in the same corner. Anyway, I'm not allowed to speak so I get to listen to what's going on regarding some of the issues that our printers face. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but the terms and conditions of most album companies are a bit like the signs you used to see in china shops around New Zealand – "if you break it, you buy it". In other words, if you send us a crappy file, don't blame us if we To View More >>

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We're working hard on systems to make designing, ordering and printing your albums easier.  The latest thing we've done is commission PJ to add some features to Remix just for us. They’re in the latest final release - v1.2 - and they’re awesome: “Smart filtering” to avoid invalid selections when you order an album. A simpler version of LabFTP to use with Remix – no asking dumb questions when PJ already knows the answers. Dramatically better handling of Duo albums (here’s a movie , but really, it’s so simple you probably don’t need it). Remix now handles “cut-in” apertures! To View More >>

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You've designed your album. You've created your exports. You're ready to upload. One key step you need to add: check your print files! Open your exports in Photoshop. Double check your alignment and image placement. Make sure the correct images are on the layouts. View them at 100%. Double check for pixelation. Are your files the correct color profile for your printer? They should be Adobe 1998 for Queensberry. Have you used our soft proof profile to double check your colour (you can download them here)? Is your monitor calibrated? If this is your first order, you are eligible for free test prints. To View More >>

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[caption id="attachment_7050" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Musée 10x7 dark tan; photography and page layout design by Johannes van Kan"][/caption] If you read my Musée story recently, you’ll recall it ended with a cliff-hanger … but it turned out well. You may remember we’d made an album featuring Christian [Oth's] images, but he'd never seen it. We were nervous. Well we finally did catch up, and he loved it. Then Johannes [van Kan’s] album of Virginia and Richard’s wedding won at WPPI. You can view his complete album on Youtube (no audio) or Vimeo (recommended: this is the To View More >>

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