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“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.” – Oscar Wilde In this series we shine a light on artists expressing their individuality, documenting what they love, working hard on their craft, and sharing it with the world. Gemma is an adventure and travel photographer currently based in the South Island. Born and raised in Nelson, she's grown up exploring the three national parks that border her home city.? "My style has been largely influenced by my upbringing in Nelson. Surrounded by beautiful beaches, lakes, mountains, and sheltered seas, To View More >>
There are lots of ways to make money as a landscape, travel, adventure, wildlife or fine art photographer. Shooting for a publication, for example, or selling through galleries or other commercial spaces such as tourist stops or cafes. Or working with clients to produce product or marketing images. Or décor for commercial or hospitality spaces. But over the course of your career you'll likely build a library of images that are yours to sell over and over again — if you could only work out how, without turning yourself into a shopkeeper! More opportunities today Today we're free to To View More >>

Evocative, adjective: bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind. When we released our Vintage leathers last month they clearly struck a chord. Were we surprised? Not really, because when we first saw them we fell in love. And to Heather, in particular, they felt like a return to our beginnings. So ... what’s to love? The beautiful colours first caught our eye, but beyond that, they evoke such powerful feelings of nature, authenticity and, for Heather, who's our founder, memories. Natural because of their earthy tones, To View More >>

Ever since digital replaced film as the photographers’ tool of choice, there’s been a rapid rise in reported cases of Photographer’s Herd Instinct Disease (PHID). Like other herd behaviors (buffalo grazing, people drinking Kool-Aid®, etc.) the symptoms of PHID include needing to hang out with the rest of the herd, think the same thoughts and do the same things. PHID is viral and highly contagious, and affects wedding and portrait photographers in particular. Although often transmitted through direct photographer-to-photographer contact, recent studies suggest that To View More >>

You've seen Amanda King's By the Horns photographs in large format prints, but they look so dramatic in albums too! This is a 15x12 vertical Q-Book Medium with offset printing on Tintoretto to give that textured, watercolour look. The creamy, 'Eggshell' cover is a vegan-friendly micro leather, appropriate considering the subject matter. ( Amanda, who's based in Canterbury, New Zealand, says anybody who knows her will tell you of her love for animals. "If only I could keep them all as pets.") A full bleed To View More >>
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