
Recent posts

If you’re building a career in photography we’ve published some great articles by highly successful people here lately. Here’s a quick run-through — starting with Justine Ungaro and The Edmonsons because they’re giving Master Classes at WPPI next week. Please don’t miss them — they’ll be great value — and please don’t miss their sponsors either — Queensberry! Catch up with Stephen and Sonya at Booth 1365 in the Marquee Ballroom. Justine’s WPPI class is about moving to a new market, but her article for Queensberry is To View More >>

By Megan DiPiero Frustrated with this situation? You’re talking with a hot lead. Conversation is going smoothly. She loves your work! She’s excited about the possibilities for her shoot! And then her biggest question arrives: “How much will this cost?” You tell her your “starting at” prices and then… crickets. Hmmmm… maybe she didn’t love your work as much as she thought. The convo quickly wraps up and you have this pit in your stomach knowing that another one just bit the dust. : ( What to do? Here’s a sales adage for ya. “If To View More >>

Tonight we went out for dinner to celebrate our daughter Alexandria being accepted into University, and Charlotte's recent awards - a lovely night with our beautiful girls. I was just dozing off to sleep, when I felt Alex get into bed beside me. "What's up Al?" "I'm just going to lie here with you for a bit, I can't sleep." "It's okay, you can stay." I put my hand on her forehead, and she was asleep within minutes. Just like when she was little :-) What she doesn't know is that when I said she could stay, I meant she could stay forever if she wanted. I know she won't. I know she's excited To View More >>

As told to Cate Scaglione - Life As Fine Art “There is a space between imagination… and attainment…that may only be traversed by… longing.” ― Khalil Gibran, Sand and Foam The story of Cindy Harter Sims is about more than going from part-time hobbyist to full time award-winning photographer. Cindy’s is a tale about longing for all that life has to offer. Photography just happened to be her way of finding it. There is something about an image by Cindy Harter Sims. It’s an inexplicable surge of emotions that make you feel as if you’re To View More >>

WPPI 2014 was an exciting time for Queensberry, not least because it was there that Sonya and I first met Gregory Georges. Greg is an award-winning master photographer, and the bestselling author of ten books on digital photography and image editing. He's featured in The New York Times Magazine, Sports Illustrated and many other magazines. Greg spent several years in software marketing and sales, including five years in England. He has a B.S. degree in business, double majoring in marketing and management. For the last few years he's been in partnership with Jonathon Penney, master print maker To View More >>
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