

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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For a while now we've been asking people to complete a questionnaire when they register on our site. It's optional, and not everybody does, but still the results are so striking I thought I might share some of the charts. It seems that the people checking us out are a little different to the typical "professional" … and that many people don't realise there's plenty to Queensberry beyond books and albums. 1. In the age of Mr Google we're proud that most people say they found us — not through search, or advertising — but through good To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

At Izo Photography, outsourcing frees up time to do the things they love. Photography is a form of self expression, and that's why Jimmy from Izo Photography fell in love with it. After picking up his partner Shona's old DSLR camera, and discovering it was for him, he began to pursue a career in professional photography, which he absolutely loves.   After "practice, practice and more practice", Jimmy's advice to photographers is to outsource work from as early on as possible. When Izo first started out they did everything themselves, but they soon To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

I just finished a book that pinged all my Queensberry values. Gutenberg’s Apprentice is a novel by Alix Christie that brings to life the inspiration, invention and sheer hard work over several years that went into the Gutenberg Bible. Published in 1454-5, it was the first major book to be printed using moveable type. Until then books were copied by hand — by scribes — and therefore scarce, hugely expensive and prone to error. I love the way Alix Christie has given credit not just to the inventor, but also to his foreman Peter Schöffer, his business partner Johannes To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

As a social photographer, it's so easy to get caught up working for clients and watching our bottom line that creative inspiration can become just another item on our To Do list. So how can we stay inspired, and so do our best work for clients, without getting burned out? How can we fill our 'creative well' regularly?' as Julia Cameron from The Artist's Way would ask. There is a way and it's called Instagram. As long as you can get online, inspiration can be yours in a non-stop stream of talent and buzzing creativity. When Instagram first arrived, it was known for its over-processed To View More >>

UPDATE: Our new PDF pricelists are now available to download. You'll need to be logged in. Sorry, the online calculators will be a few days yet. New Treasure Box. New Packaging. New Covers. New Books. New Pages. We’re rolling out a series of major product updates, so let’s get straight to it! For an overview, please click through to the What's New page on There’s something for everyone to love, and you’ll find lots of photos. Our new price lists will be uploaded on Monday. As you'll see, we’ve made big changes to our covers and packaging, To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment