

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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As everyone knows, Covid has been very disruptive for business — from product availability to courier services to prices — and it’s starting to feel like the “new normal”. So we’re starting the year with an updated cover material range, and a new strategy to move this forward in the future. We’re excited about it, but we also know that any change can raise questions, which we’ve tried to answer in advance here. We’d love your feedback! Please take a few minutes to read the following, but if you just want to see the updates follow To View More >>

This entry was posted in Product Updates by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

I've just finished re-watching Barry Schwartz's Ted Talk on The Paradox of Choice. He makes this very important point: Too much choice produces paralysis. Offer people too much choice and they'll find it very difficult to choose at all. Yes, at Queensberry we offer a lot of choice! We know that. We do it because every photographer is different. And we agree, as Barry Schwartz says, that it can be difficult to get your head around. But … if you want to sell products, you need to make the effort, not leave it to your customers.  As our designer friend Donna says, to run a design To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

When's the right time for a promotion? Certainly for the holidays — so your clients can have their  beautiful printed products under the tree for Christmas. The ultimate in personal gifts! Or when the wedding season's over — and you have time to chase past clients who're still dilly-dallying about their album. And for what purpose? Maybe to turn your social media audience into paying customers. Or lapsed enquiries into future business. Or past customers into repeat business! But once you've defined your goal, what's involved? This is our take on it, but of To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

15% off Matted Print Boxes for the month of September! To celebrate our  new Studio Box paper and print options, this month  all  fully assembled Matted Print Boxes are 15% off using the code STANDOUT2020. Our Matted Print Boxes are designed to be different. As well as our range of print options, you have over 40 cover materials to choose from. It's simple to customise the mats with our easy to use software, to suit each photograph and create unique designs. We'll deliver to your studio for free, or direct to your clients with our free drop-shipping To View More >>

This entry was posted in , by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

In many markets Covid is likely to limit the size of weddings —  and therefore wedding photography — for some months yet. And with all the restrictions and uncertainty many weddings are likely to be postponed until next season. But there's an upside! Any 2020 weddings delayed until 2021 and 2022 could make those years busier than normal! Which will be a great "problem" to have, as long as you can cope with the extra work. What that means…  • This year albums will be very important as a way to maximise revenue and profit from wedding clients — both current To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by joanne newman | Leave a Comment