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“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.” – Oscar Wilde In this series we shine a light on artists expressing their individuality, documenting what they love, working hard on their craft, and sharing it with the world. Cole Holyoake is a Wellington based digital illustrator. He's also creatively involved in two tech start-ups and he's "deeply inspired" by influential figures around him. Cole says his schedule can be chaotic and random — eight hours with a drawing tablet; or a mix of 3D modelling To View More >>
I've just finished re-watching Barry Schwartz's Ted Talk on The Paradox of Choice. He makes this very important point: Too much choice produces paralysis. Offer people too much choice and they'll find it very difficult to choose at all. Yes, at Queensberry we offer a lot of choice! We know that. We do it because every photographer is different. And we agree, as Barry Schwartz says, that it can be difficult to get your head around. But … if you want to sell products, you need to make the effort, not leave it to your customers. As our designer friend Donna says, to run a design To View More >>

We've made changes to the Workspace Client Gallery setting "Viewers must register" after some great feedback in our Facebook group, The Insider. Until now if you turned on the "Viewers must register" gallery setting, visitors had to create an "account" before they could view a gallery. The setting was optional, and its purpose was to track who was viewing your galleries and to collect their email addresses. This change will make it easier for people to get access while still allowing you to collect those addresses. Here's what we have done We've replaced the original setting with "Require Email To View More >>
We're delighted to announce that we're introducing Stripe as an alternative Workspace payment platform, alongside PayPal. Introducing Stripe means you can now activate a standard credit card form at checkout, and also get your payouts faster. However the two platforms interact with Workspace quite differently, and it's important to understand how… Stripe and PayPal are: — How you pay for your wholesale purchases from Queensberry. — How your clients pay for purchases in your retail shopping cart. — How Workspace pays you the To View More >>

A few weeks ago we gave you a sneak peek at a major upgrade to our Client Galleries, designed to make it easier than ever for wedding and portrait photographers to sell print products to their clients. It' s based on what we've learned from the success of Print Shop, our other online sales platform. We're delighted to announce that it's now live, and accessible on all paid Workspace plans. Here we'll step you through the main features, but first, we're often asked — why do we offer two platforms? Because the customers are totally different, and so To View More >>
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