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Album selling from galleries has been one of our most requested features and we're very excited to launch it today! In this blog post we’ll walk you through how our new online album selling feature works and how to set it up in your account. If you have questions or need help setting up your price lists, please email We’re here to help! How the feature works and how to set it up in your account Like all the other products available for sale through Client Galleries, you’ll start by adding the album options you want to offer (sizes, covers, To View More >>
A strong online presence is essential for professional photographers looking to grow their businesses, and one of the most effective ways to do that is through blogging. “Blogging” might sound a bit old-fashioned these days, but really it just means any website or page that you update regularly. It could be about your clients, your images — or interesting stories about either of those. Regularly updating your website will not only showcase your photography skills but also boost your website's search engine rankings. To drive people to your site, earn customers and make sales. To View More >>
If you’re a photographer wanting to make a living from your work, you have two big jobs todo — shoot pictures and sell them! Referrals and person-to-person contact are important ways to get your work in front of people, but we live in an online world, which means getting traffic to your website is too. That’s why, whether you’re selling wedding photography, school photography, portraiture, fine art or decor, you need to know about SEO. It’s a crucial aspect of online marketing and website management designed to help you get found online. To View More >>
"Micro-Weddings/Elopements/Minimony(s)." Whatever you like to call them, it appears smaller weddings are here to stay — at least for the foreseeable future. How things used to be Many wedding photography businesses have been built on the premise that a wedding shoot lasts all day, that there will be "getting-ready" shots needed of at least one half of the couple, that after the ceremony there'll be family photos and a celebration to cover, and that in many cases a second photographer will be needed to fully capture the day’s events. Many photographers have built a career based To View More >>

Q: How do customers know what your images will look like on their home or office wall? A: Set up "display images" in your Print Shop showing your artwork in different settings. Q: Print Shop makes setting up display images easy, but how to create the images themselves? A: Stock Images are a great way to encourage sales by showing potential customers your images on display. Here we list five resources you could use. Whether you need a high level of customisation, or just an app to do it for you, there are options for everyone. To View More >>
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