

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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It’s so refreshing to meet people who act as if the only thing coming between them and their dreams is a plan. Dmitry and Victoria Fedotov built a photography business serving some of the world’s wealthiest people by being clear about their goals and plans, by going the extra mile for their clients … and by shutting out the voices inside that say it can’t be done. Read on for the short story, or click here to listen to my conversation with Dimitry. Download Dmitry’s free Wedding Photography Guide. Dmitry and Vika met while they were studying power To View More >>

This entry was posted in , Loves not enough by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

UPDATE: Our new PDF pricelists are now available to download. You'll need to be logged in. Sorry, the online calculators will be a few days yet. New Treasure Box. New Packaging. New Covers. New Books. New Pages. We’re rolling out a series of major product updates, so let’s get straight to it! For an overview, please click through to the What's New page on There’s something for everyone to love, and you’ll find lots of photos. Our new price lists will be uploaded on Monday. As you'll see, we’ve made big changes to our covers and packaging, To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

We're excited about the feedback for the new Workspace release. And from reading your emails it looks like our new storyboards will put smiles on a lot of faces. Originally storyboards didn't get much attention, but when we introduced blogging that changed. We realized pretty quickly that they needed a revamp. So let's look at what we have done: Storyboards are made up of templates designed to display groups of images, which Workspace then exports to create a single JPG. Use them like building blocks - choose a single template or add several To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Peter Attwood | Leave a Comment

Our support team deals with photographers all day, every day. We know how people struggle with technology. And we think the software that professionals use can be part of the problem… making things worse, not better. How does this make sense? - Hosting your images with one provider, but your website somewhere else. Creating customer websites with a third provider, and mobile apps with a fourth. Designing albums with a fifth, and proofing them with a sixth. Branding your blog images with a seventh, but actually blogging somewhere else again! Each time there's another piece of software to To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Stephen Baugh | Leave a Comment

Are you using the Workspace Desktop Uploader or the Lightroom Plugin? Due to a few issues discovered last week, we've made some fixes to these uploaders and we recommend upgrading from version 1.9 to 2.0 as soon as possible. You can download the latest versions below. Workspace Desktop Uploader Mac | Windows Plugin for Lightroom Mac & Windows Cheers, Anna To View More >>

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