

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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A small village right at the edge of the forest, with backyard doors almost always opened straight into the woods. It was there that Petr from NZICESCAPES IMAGES spent his childhood. It was an everyday playground that would have been a childhood dream. Being out there all the time seeded Petr's love for the outdoors. When he turned 18 he was gifted a camera from his parents – a Russian Zenith with black and white film in it. From then on Petr spent his days taking pictures of anything around him. It was those influences, combined with his urge to show To View More >>

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There are only a few weeks in Winter where the setting sun can beam its light all the way through New Zealand’s Milford Sound, and I was dedicated to getting the perfect photograph of it. But when I set that goal I had no idea it would take me four years to accomplish. After three years of trying, my fourth trip to the Sound left me with some of my strongest memories, and taught me a lot. It was my last, eighth day of waiting: getting wet in the bush, heavy rain clouds hanging above me, and no signs of any light passing through the sounds. Disappointed with my fourth unsuccessful To View More >>

This entry was posted in Your Stories by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

"When you love something so much it's easy to become completely consumed by it." Tammie Pittwood was always the one with the camera at school. She had a thing for capturing moments, and from early on a passion for photography. But was equally as good at painting and decided to take a Fine Arts degree. She loved it but after graduating realised it wasn't for her. She loved the creative process of painting, and still misses it sometimes, but as a career it didn't inspire her as much.  Throughout university she photographed a few weddings for her friends, and so began her natural progression To View More >>

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By Megan DiPiero   Frustrated with this situation? You’re talking with a hot lead. Conversation is going smoothly. She loves your work! She’s excited about the possibilities for her shoot! And then her biggest question arrives: “How much will this cost?” You tell her your “starting at” prices and then… crickets. Hmmmm… maybe she didn’t love your work as much as she thought. The convo quickly wraps up and you have this pit in your stomach knowing that another one just bit the dust. : ( What to do? Here’s a sales adage for ya. “If To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Megan DiPiero | Leave a Comment

Written by: Clare Breheny When I worked in a corporate environment we would have literally hundreds of company-specific terms and acronyms that we used in meetings and emails to describe processes, systems, customers, products etc etc. When someone new joined the company we’d forget and spout out all these three letter acronyms, and we would see their face glaze over as if we were speaking a foreign language. For us, that was how things worked and what things were called. It was our day-to-day language and modus operandi. It would take a new person joining to remind us that To View More >>

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