

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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I was invited to join the NZ Government's Better by Design US Study Tour 2012, a four day tour of the San Francisco Bay Area where "up to 25 New Zealand business leaders are exposed to best practice examples of international design thinking". The tour began officially last night over dinner at the Town Hall Restaurant, but mine began a week ago when Ian and I arrived in SF for some much-needed down time. Relax, re-energise, and No Work was our mantra. But paradoxically, when we're travelling or on holiday my brain goes into overdrive. Thinking about ethics and aesthetics, ideology and human behaviour, To View More >>

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1. Tell us a little about yourself, your photography business and what you do! I have a Bachelor of Design in Graphic Design. I did a bit of film photography in my last year of University, but it wasn't until I got a job working for the University of Auckland as a public relations photographer that I started to learn the craft of photography. It was there that I learnt about manual settings, studio lighting, editing etc. I photographed hundreds of events and people for the University. I learned how to interact with people when taking their photo, and how to get great photo-journalist shots. I To View More >>

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I have a friend going back to work full time after working part time for six years to raise his kids. Some weeks ago he phoned me, incredibly disheartened after many job applications and many knock backs. No one wanted him. I encouraged him to stop treating each job interview as make or break, and to start playing. To apply for jobs he thought he couldn't get. At salary ranges he thought he couldn't justify. To mix it up, try something different each time and see what worked. The trick, I said, was to remember that his next interviewer would know nothing about his past interviews, and it wouldn't To View More >>

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Right up there with the 3% rule as a Queensberry mantra is Good Better Best. We don't claim that either of them is original, just that they're common sense. In fact fundamental if you want to build a sustainable longterm career. Good Better Best is a strategy for up-selling – having products and services to tempt your clients across a range of price points. To be blunt, you're offering your customers what they want (something cheap!) while at the same time encouraging them to spend more. Simply put, it does so by offering people three choices… GOOD is your entry level – affordable if you To View More >>

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Are you proud of your work? What's it worth? Where do you sit in the marketplace? Cheap and cheerful? In the pack? At the top? If you're not happy with where you are, what are you doing each day to change that? I believe it's very hard to achieve our goals if we don't have our heads and hearts straight, and at Queensberry we have fierce internal debates about two questions that directly affect what we do each day. The first is about our relationship with you, the photographer. You're our customer, right? Our job is to package your images, enhance their perceived value and create new sales opportunities To View More >>

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