

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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“Every two minutes people take as many photos as were taken throughout the whole 19th century.” Rachel is one of the Queensberry album design team, and she’s been collecting old photographs since she was at university. "My interest was sparked by reading Roland Barthes’ Camera Lucida (1980)”, she says. “The book was written after his mother’s death, and is as much about death as it is about photography. It was the idea that photographers are “agents of death” that really struck me.” “Any photo, no matter how recent, depicts To View More >>

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"When you love something so much it's easy to become completely consumed by it." Tammie Pittwood was always the one with the camera at school. She had a thing for capturing moments, and from early on a passion for photography. But was equally as good at painting and decided to take a Fine Arts degree. She loved it but after graduating realised it wasn't for her. She loved the creative process of painting, and still misses it sometimes, but as a career it didn't inspire her as much.  Throughout university she photographed a few weddings for her friends, and so began her natural progression To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

"I love a little quirk from time to time - something different for the soul — to keep things fresh, to keep the spark alive and to fuel my passion for wedding photography…” Maybe that explains why Jonny Harper did such an incredible job of capturing Tanaya and Mathew's wedding. I was so excited to discover their album coming through the Bindery. Working on this blog post was a lot of fun, with rabbits hidden in the bushes, incredible walls of art and so much more… Tanaya is  a set designer, Matthew a base player for his London based jazz band. They To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

I just finished a book that pinged all my Queensberry values. Gutenberg’s Apprentice is a novel by Alix Christie that brings to life the inspiration, invention and sheer hard work over several years that went into the Gutenberg Bible. Published in 1454-5, it was the first major book to be printed using moveable type. Until then books were copied by hand — by scribes — and therefore scarce, hugely expensive and prone to error. I love the way Alix Christie has given credit not just to the inventor, but also to his foreman Peter Schöffer, his business partner Johannes To View More >>

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As a social photographer, it's so easy to get caught up working for clients and watching our bottom line that creative inspiration can become just another item on our To Do list. So how can we stay inspired, and so do our best work for clients, without getting burned out? How can we fill our 'creative well' regularly?' as Julia Cameron from The Artist's Way would ask. There is a way and it's called Instagram. As long as you can get online, inspiration can be yours in a non-stop stream of talent and buzzing creativity. When Instagram first arrived, it was known for its over-processed To View More >>