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Are you proud of your work? What's it worth? Where do you sit in the marketplace? Cheap and cheerful? In the pack? At the top? If you're not happy with where you are, what are you doing each day to change that? I believe it's very hard to achieve our goals if we don't have our heads and hearts straight, and at Queensberry we have fierce internal debates about two questions that directly affect what we do each day. The first is about our relationship with you, the photographer. You're our customer, right? Our job is to package your images, enhance their perceived value and create new sales opportunities To View More >>

Want to make the Workspace Image Gallery even more powerful for Events with lots of images (eg weddings)? If that's a Yes, check out an optional feature called image categories, which you can switch on in Basic Settings. Here's how they work. The normal way to organise images in your events is using collections. Collections work a bit like iTunes playlists, in that images can be in more than one collection (eg album selection and favourites as well as Nan's). On the other hand images can only be in one Category (eg Ceremony or Family Groups, but not both). You use Categories to divide your images To View More >>

Let me tell you a story about why we're in the album business, why we believe in brand building, and why you should too. Don't tell anyone but you're looking at two early Queensberries from the days when albums weren't everything we do. It may look a bit tired but the old wallet on top has excellent provenance, as they say. In 1990 Stephen brought his new fiancée home from Brisbane to meet his family in New Zealand. He gave her the Queensberry tour, saw the wallet and asked could he have it? Heather gave it to him. (I hope she gave Sonya something too!) Years passed. We stopped making wallets. To View More >>

When I realized that this album was for singer Katie Melua, I got a wee bit excited because she is actually one of my favourite artists - cool, jazzy and ever so sweet! Jo de Banzie has worked with Katie for over 8 years, touring with her, shooting for album covers, PR and video stills. Jo says that she has a huge soft spot for Katie so was delighted to be asked to photograph her wedding to ex world Superbike champion James Toseland. "They picked a glorious venue, the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, London, and in Katie's words, it was "'all about flowers"! The couple looked stunning, with Katie To View More >>

I recently saw London photographer Serena Bolton blogging about one of our 14x10H overlay matted albums, so I asked her if we could share it here as well. It's nice to see portrait images in our albums. We're so used to seeing weddings! Serena says, "My client landed on my website late one night by mistake! The mum had been doing some research into interior designers and I had just done a shoot with designer, Samantha Todhunter. "Samantha's website lead to a discovery of my website! She wasn't really looking for a photographer but was captivated by my family portraits. She had always really To View More >>
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