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Like many good things Musée begins with a story. In fact it begins with three stories, and the real magic is how they weave together... The first begins several years ago with a traveller on a bus in Spain, who strikes up a conversation with the woman sitting next to him. They like each other enough to introduce themselves. He's a wedding photographer from the far side of the world, in Spain on a scholarship. She's a paper conservator living in England, home to visit her family in Barcelona - and as it turns out, later, in love. The photographer and the conservator like each other enough to swap To View More >>

He arrived at our place at 11am. We (the boys) were all in the lounge playing Playstation. He didn't mind that. In fact he quite liked it. He clicked away. I lost the game. We played another. Forgetting he was even there, I found him later in my room shooting my hanging suit, the rings on the dresser, my arrangement of perfumes and our shoes. Just doing his thing. Then he turned up at Kayla's place and made himself at home... ideal. He shot the girls getting ready - the chaos, the nerves, the details, the family. I wasn't there but that's what the photos told me. Mrs Mother-in-law felt a little To View More >>
Wedding Photography and the Difference Between Good and Great Wedding Photos By David Freund A couple of days ago I was involved in an online discussion about wedding photography and what makes great, soulful wedding photographs. I thought I’d share my thoughts on what takes good wedding photos and makes them great wedding photos. A couple of years back I had 5 out of 6 straight weddings at the same location, same celebrant and same reception venue. My wife asked how I was able to do different work for each couple. It’s simple. I’m taking photos of two people on their wedding day. Not the To View More >>
In a few hours we'll have made it to our holiday close-down. Each year we have a barbeque and a few drinks after work on the last day, and, because we operate from three sites (Bindery, Lab, IT team, not to mention a few outliers), it isn't possible to get everyone together for it. Which is a pity, because it's quite an emotional event - and a bit greasy too, given I'm one of those that helps with the cooking! Only a grinch could fail to notice what a friendly, hard-working, supportive bunch the people who work here are and what fun they are to be with. It's a real shame we can't all meet up. To View More >>
Hi All Just quick note to thank you for using our software and to say Happy Holidays, and we hope you enjoy them - we will be. We're closing down from today the 23rd December to 5th January to enjoy our family, friends, bbqs, beaches, and hopefully fine weather. See you on the other side and if you're celebrating Christmas, check out Dylan's Christmas record ;-) Cheers Danny To View More >>
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