

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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© 2016 Gregory Georges © 2016 Gregory Georges In my short life I've listened to music played on 7″ and 12″ vinyl records, reel-to-reel tapes, 4-track tapes, 8-track tapes, compact cassettes, CDs, digital audio tapes, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, streaming-music services, and many digital audio formats. With each media came a new player, destined to become outdated and therefore inaccessible. There are lessons in that for photographers… A personal story about media loss, and the pain it causes Earlier this year my wife and I emptied the house where she grew To View More >>

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Our friends in the northern hemisphere may find it hard to imagine the festive season without snow, hot cocoa, and a warm fireplace, but in Auckland, New Zealand, where we're based, Christmas day is more likely to be beach adventures and a barbeque. We spoke to Rakesh Kesha about what makes a New Zealand summer, and our unique festive season, so special. Piha, Auckland. Piha, Auckland. Do you have a favourite or secret go-to spot in NZ? "My favourite weekend spot would be Karekare, on Auckland’s west coast. Geographically it's pretty isolated, so unlike its To View More >>

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Pagemount vs Overlay We offer a few types of matted album — Overlay Matted, Duo and Musée —and one of the important differences between them is whether the prints are mounted Overlay or Pagemount style. So what's the difference? Overlay: Industry-wide, almost all matted albums are overlay mounted, so overlays may not be new to you. Details may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but the photographs are attached behind the mat, which covers and conceals the edge of the prints. You can see this clearly in the first photograph. To View More >>

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A small village right at the edge of the forest, with backyard doors almost always opened straight into the woods. It was there that Petr from NZICESCAPES IMAGES spent his childhood. It was an everyday playground that would have been a childhood dream. Being out there all the time seeded Petr's love for the outdoors. When he turned 18 he was gifted a camera from his parents – a Russian Zenith with black and white film in it. From then on Petr spent his days taking pictures of anything around him. It was those influences, combined with his urge to show To View More >>

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The strap-line on Lancashire (UK) photographer Ian MacMichael’s website is “Stories Without Words”, which says it all. He can’t imagine his life without photography, although it wasn't until 2007 that he “finally had the confidence” to turn professional. But after nine years he’s clear about what he wants to capture in his photography, and his advice to newcomers. His advice to the 16-18 year-old photography students he teaches for a few hours a week is simple. Be yourself and don’t copy. Shoot what you want in a way that excites and inspires To View More >>

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