

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Hi, it's Stephen here. For a few weeks now we’ve been in deep discussions about how to navigate the current COVID crisis and, more importantly, support the industry we love so much. So it seems a little ironic that, as part of those discussions, today we’re releasing a book called “Love’s Not Enough”. Ironic because we do  love  our industry, we believe love  drives  our industry, and yet … love's not enough. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Anyone who’s got close to Queensberry and our family knows that, while we love what we To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

Q: How do customers know what your images will look like on their home or office wall? A: Set up "display images" in your Print Shop showing your artwork in different settings. Q: Print Shop makes setting up display  images  easy, but how to create the images themselves? A: Stock Images are a great way to encourage sales by showing potential customers your images on display. Here we list five resources you could use. Whether you need a high level of customisation, or just an app to do it for you, there are options for everyone.  To View More >>

This entry was posted in Product Updates by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

Better emails for everyone! Most of us take great care over our “marketing”, like newsletters, special offers, advertising etc, but in a way what tells people the most about us are the little day to day interactions that we barely think about. Like our answerphone messages or our auto-reply email! Workspace sends out lots of automated emails — for example when you share galleries with your clients, when clients receive their digital downloads, or when they purchase products in your shopping cart. They’re a reflection of you — and us — and we want To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

START 2019 LOOKING GOOD WITH OUR BEST DEALS OF THE YEAR UPDATE: We've extended these offers until 31 January so our new friends from SWPP, PPA, IWPOTY and elsewhere don't miss out. We're back!! But January can be s-l-o-w, and we hate twiddling our thumbs, which is why we offer Early Birds our best deals of the year. Don’t miss out! Both these offers end Monday 21st Jan 2019. Our normal conditions apply. SAMPLE ALBUMS AND BOXES Products like albums and wall art put more cash in your back pocket. They’re an expression of your professional pride as well … and To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

If you heven't logged into Workspace for a while you may be surprised next time by a very different looking platform. That’s because our December upgrade has now been rolled out. Here's what we've done. Interface upgrade (updated, simpler, more intuitive) Although much of what we've done in this upgrade is "behind the scenes", we’ve also worked hard on the user interface. We've gone for a cleaner, more contemporary look, refined things to keep pace with evolving web design standards, and repositioned and relabelled buttons and To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment