

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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You're probably aware of the widespread unease about data protection and privacy online — for example the Cambridge Analytica Facebook scandal and the other major data breaches that have been in the news so regularly. Protecting people's data is the focus of the European "GDPR" (General Data Protection Regulation), which comes into effect later this month. It applies to everyone who does business in the EU, including us and many of our clients. In brief the GDPR is saying that people have the right to complete control of their data, and that you, as To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian baugh | Leave a Comment

Ever since digital replaced film as the photographers’ tool of choice, there’s been a rapid rise in reported cases of Photographer’s Herd Instinct Disease (PHID). Like other herd behaviors (buffalo grazing, people drinking Kool-Aid®, etc.) the symptoms of PHID include needing to hang out with the rest of the herd, think the same thoughts and do the same things. PHID is viral and highly contagious, and affects wedding and portrait photographers in particular. Although often transmitted through direct photographer-to-photographer contact, recent studies suggest that To View More >>

This entry was posted in , , , , by Gregory Georges | Leave a Comment

Photographs are the most personal of gifts! Talking about Christmas and the holidays in October seems a little weird, but the holiday season does seem to start earlier every year – and when it comes to marketing, it pays to be prepared. The festive season is a great time to promote yourself to existing customers. You've spent all year taking photographs, so why not maximise the profit on each shoot with online galleries, product sales and special offers? We spoke to retiring Queensberry account manager Michelle about her tips for holiday promotions, and marketing pointers To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Victoria Hollings | Leave a Comment

Here to help Yes, we have a support team ready to deal with your feedback,  questions and problems . And although sometimes it feels easiest to speak to someone directly, often it's better to message the team, or look up our online resources. (Often it's quicker too, especially if you're on the other side of the world in a completely different time zone.) I'll discuss all three here, but however you contact us, we're definitely here to help! If you phone, and we don't pick up, please leave a message When you call one of our free phone numbers, we're To View More >>

This entry was posted in , by Victoria Hollings | Leave a Comment

Continuing on from Katherine’s first post, 'Why Albums?', Katherine has a few more tips about how she educates her clients about printing, and some advice for photographers who might just be starting to offer albums in their packages. How do you educate your clients about the importance of printing, rather than leaving photographs on a USB? An album really is a personal preference, so I try not to push them on my clients, but now I have over 50% of my couples order albums, I love to know they will treasure these for 30, 40 maybe even 50 years! I talk about and To View More >>

This entry was posted in , by Melissa Dangerfield | Leave a Comment