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“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.” – Oscar Wilde In this series we shine a light on artists expressing their individuality, documenting what they love, working hard on their craft, and sharing it with the world. We spoke to Jinal Govind, a landscape and wedding photographer who grew up in windy Wellington, and still calls the city his home – all about pursuing a career as a photographer and staying inspired. Photography is something Jinal has had a passion for, ever since he was a young boy To View More >>

I originally posted this on a private Facebook forum, where it got a lot of discussion — so what do you think? I've been watching people asking for feedback on their price lists — asking if their pricing should be online, asking if everything should be shown upfront, and these discussions make me think about the real problem with price lists. The way I see it is, most price lists make it sound like photographers sell USBs full of images, or pieces of paper — even boxes full of pieces of paper — and the problem with that is that To View More >>

The charming wedding of Mana and Sepehr was held at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto, Canada. Their photographer, Krista (from Krista Fox Photography), said, The wedding was beautiful in its classic simplicity. Mana and Sepehr are a beautiful couple, and the perfect complement to one another. Take a look at their 15x12 Duo - (the photographs in the abandoned ballroom are my favourite!) A beautiful translucent page to start the album. The first look and couple photos were taken at the top of the King Edward Hotel in a 1920s ballroom that was abandoned in 1950s with the implementation of stricter To View More >>

From the lovely full bleed photographs, to the gorgeous splash of Fushica pink throughout this 14x10 Duo, Steve and Harjit's album is a real beauty. Steve and Harjit wed at the remarkable Aynhoe Park - a living museum of adventures which James Perkins (a veteran of the British music industry) has acquired from across the globe. Robert and Brian , from Holden & Jones Wedding Photography photographed Steve and Harjit's three day celebration. Robert and Brian are based in North Yorkshire, UK. Duo Albums offer the choice of mounted overlay or pagemount style pages. Click on To View More >>

If you've been wondering where we've been lately, this is it! We're excited – even proud in an understated Kiwi way ;) to announce Queensberry Press version 3.0. We get to say "yes" to a lot of things you've been asking for, and well ... we think you'll like the prices! So with that little fanfare please welcome Queensberry Press Albums. Press printed, flushmount or matted albums. Simple, affordable and gorgeous. Here are some of the features: Pages are either flushmount - unmatted and similar to our digital albums... ... or matted - overlay style in a clean cut page block reminiscent of Duo. To View More >>
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