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Your blog is a tool for drawing people in from Facebook and other social media sites, for keeping your site fresh, interesting and ever-changing, and for keeping your image galleries and work in front of people. Your ideas and interests too! The must-have for every blog is SIMPLICITY, so that nothing comes between you and getting your posts out. But one size does not fit all, which is why we now offer three simple blogging templates: Basic, View More and Thumbnail. You can also customise your blog's side panel, by adding a profile image and intro text: click here for an example. (The To View More >>

There’s lots to like in our new Workspace Image Galleries: stunning full bleed feature images, no-fuss emails you can personalise and style, redesigned login windows, image favouriting and updated slideshows. Read on for details... Auto-generated Emails: Your image gallery titles and passwords, and your company name and social media links, are all included in auto-generated client emails that you can personalise and style. Simple, clean and best of all, no fuss. New login window: Semi-private galleries are just that. Unless people have the password, all they can see is your chosen feature To View More >>

The strap-line on Lancashire (UK) photographer Ian MacMichael’s website is “Stories Without Words”, which says it all. He can’t imagine his life without photography, although it wasn't until 2007 that he “finally had the confidence” to turn professional. But after nine years he’s clear about what he wants to capture in his photography, and his advice to newcomers. His advice to the 16-18 year-old photography students he teaches for a few hours a week is simple. Be yourself and don’t copy. Shoot what you want in a way that excites and inspires To View More >>
After more than fifteen years in the business, UK photographer Simon Whitten of Firehorse Photography & Filming has covered more than 600 weddings on four continents. He's has been a friend of Queensberry for much of his career. Simon is strong-minded character who believes that the key to success is to find your own way and stand out from the crowd. "Don't follow the latest fads or fashions," he says, "or you will only ever be a follower, and always late to the party." We asked him a few questions about how that's reflected in his life and work… Simon's first To View More >>

Jessica Reeves claims to have been "very average" at school — "never did badly, never did amazingly well". But after two years as a photographer she's come to believe that this is something she can be great at and love at the same time. Ideal foundations on which to build a career! The biggest lesson she's learned is very simple: make friends. "Running your own business can be pretty lonely, especially at the beginning when you feel you are running along with a blindfold on. Making friends with other photographers, or others in the industry, takes a huge To View More >>
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