

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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As told to Cate Scaglione - Life As Fine Art “Fear is the lengthened shadow of ignorance.” ~Arnold Glasow As artists we are a different breed within the human race. Our right brains guide us with a heightened sensibility, to help us translate the world in an emotionally meaningful way. We’ll witness the same events and circumstances entirely differently than others, and often with more intensity. These are our blessings, except perhaps when the worst demon surfaces. Fear. All humans experience fear in one form or another. But is all fear bad? Is there such a thing as beneficial, To View More >>

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I had to laugh at Ikea’s new advert for the “bookbook". Check it out - love or hate Ikea, it's pretty clever. And besides having a laugh at Apple, it makes a very good point about real books. I love my iPhone and catching up with my friends on Facebook. The internet and the ways we connect with it are wonderful things. They've changed the world, changed how we do business, and brought us all a little closer. It's great to see beautiful images online too, but… it has a whole different meaning for me when I see them printed or I'm holding a book in my hand. There is something To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Sonya Baugh | Leave a Comment

As told to Cate Scaglione - Life As Fine Art “There is a space between imagination… and attainment…that may only be traversed by… longing.” ― Khalil Gibran, Sand and Foam The story of Cindy Harter Sims is about more than going from part-time hobbyist to full time award-winning photographer. Cindy’s is a tale about longing for all that life has to offer. Photography just happened to be her way of finding it. There is something about an image by Cindy Harter Sims. It’s an inexplicable surge of emotions that make you feel as if you’re To View More >>

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Our support team deals with photographers all day, every day. We know how people struggle with technology. And we think the software that professionals use can be part of the problem… making things worse, not better. How does this make sense? - Hosting your images with one provider, but your website somewhere else. Creating customer websites with a third provider, and mobile apps with a fourth. Designing albums with a fifth, and proofing them with a sixth. Branding your blog images with a seventh, but actually blogging somewhere else again! Each time there's another piece of software to To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Stephen Baugh | Leave a Comment

As told to Cate Scaglione - Life As Fine Art Thanks to the digital revolution our culture is by far the most photographed generation in history. Without planning or purpose, people now take pictures simply to share them on a global scale. Sociologists are enjoying a field day over the reasons why, but certainly with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr we have so many ways to broadcast intimate moments with family, friends, pets and our last meal. Which means professional photography is becoming less relevant and less profitable, right? Or is it? The anti-selfie When a client hires a highly To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Cate Scaglione | Leave a Comment