

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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A small village right at the edge of the forest, with backyard doors almost always opened straight into the woods. It was there that Petr from NZICESCAPES IMAGES spent his childhood. It was an everyday playground that would have been a childhood dream. Being out there all the time seeded Petr's love for the outdoors. When he turned 18 he was gifted a camera from his parents – a Russian Zenith with black and white film in it. From then on Petr spent his days taking pictures of anything around him. It was those influences, combined with his urge to show To View More >>

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After more than fifteen years in the business, UK photographer Simon Whitten of Firehorse Photography & Filming has covered more than 600 weddings on four continents. He's has been a friend of Queensberry for much of his career. Simon is strong-minded character who believes that the key to success is to find your own way and stand out from the crowd. "Don't follow the latest fads or fashions," he says, "or you will only ever be a follower, and always late to the party." We asked him a few questions about how that's reflected in his life and work… Simon's first To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

These portrait shots of Georgia are so elegant and sophisticated, yet fun and playful at the same time. Georgia looks beautiful - and what a great idea to have a 'Quintessential Teenage Shoot' to celebrate her 14th birthday! Serena Bolton photographed Georgia, starting at Holland Park and ending in Serena's studio in London, UK. Check out Georgia's Duo album, with copy album to match, designed by the Queensberry Design team. As part of Georgia's birthday celebrations, her mother took her to Top Shop for a personalised shopping experience. She bought a variety To View More >>

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THE DOLPHIN, THE GAZELLE, THE CHEETAH AND THE LION Originally published on The Candid Eye, what makes this post by James Yeats-Brown so compelling is that its passion comes from James' clients as much as from him. A lovely and revealing insight into the motivation behind family photography. - Ian When I arrived at Mike and Clare’s house, Mike was wielding a pen-knife in boy scout fashion and excitedly removing an old sepia photograph from a crumbling frame. The image depicted a formal group at a wedding, a family gathering posed in a static arrangement to allow To View More >>

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It’s so refreshing to meet people who act as if the only thing coming between them and their dreams is a plan. Dmitry and Victoria Fedotov built a photography business serving some of the world’s wealthiest people by being clear about their goals and plans, by going the extra mile for their clients … and by shutting out the voices inside that say it can’t be done. Read on for the short story, or click here to listen to my conversation with Dimitry. Download Dmitry’s free Wedding Photography Guide. Dmitry and Vika met while they were studying power To View More >>

This entry was posted in , Loves not enough by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment