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We love it when one of our staff members gets an album made for themselves. We spend most of our time creating handmade products for photographers, but we like to walk the talk when it comes to printing our photos. Maddy works in the Queensberry bindery and she's let us share her Portrait Album with you. Take a look. "I made my own scrapbook style photo albums when I was younger and printed photos to frame. This is the second Queensberry album I've made. "I wanted to make a gift for my partner, Simba, to celebrate the adventures we’ve To View More >>

Blogging for your photography business can seem like a tricky and time-consuming task, but there are important benefits. Here are just some ways blogging can help your business grow. 01. Help people get to know you Your blog is a chance for clients to get to know you and your personality in a conversational and casual way. Talk about the things you love. That may be strictly personal, like how much you love travel (although everyone seems to say that!). If you shoot weddings maybe it's how you love hearing how couples met, and what they love about To View More >>
If you can’t name five things that differentiate you from your competitors, there’s probably only one – your price. Here's what differentiates Queensberry: 1. We believe the way to succeed is to stand out from the crowd, not to join it. There’s less competition, more satisfaction and more pride at the high end of the market … and it’s our job to help get you there. Think of our albums as profit centres, not costs. 2. We’re design-led. The people in your viewfinder will be looking at your albums for much longer than we will. They must look beautiful To View More >>

Come along to The Baby Summit in Brisbane, Australia, and make sure to visit the Queensberry stand! We've got a bunch of brand new samples, so you'll be one of the first to see our latest products. This framed, floating torn-edge fine-art circular print will be on display, as well as other wall art, book and album options. There's also an extensive list of presenters and many other vendors attending. The three-day event takes place on the 22nd, 23rd & 24th September in Brisbane Queensland at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. To register, visit The To View More >>

What is "aspect ratio", and why can it be a problem? The aspect ratio of an image is the ratio of its width to its height. Unless the aspect ratio of a print or frame matches that of the camera image from which it is made, the original image will need to be cropped. What to do When shooting, bear in mind the finished print that you want to sell. If you frame the subject tightly (with important content out to the edges of the image) you won't be able to crop — you'll need to order prints with the same aspect ratio as the camera. Since most digital camerals have an To View More >>
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