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The Photojunction Start Window's new tabbed menu design gives you direct, easy to understand access to your work. From left to right... Until now the Start Window displayed events and products, which confused some people. Now the 'Recent' tab only displays recent products (ie albums, slideshows, proof sheets). If you still want to access your clients or events click on Browse tab, which looks and acts as the browse window always has... Finally, with its very own tab the Upload window is much more obvious. Near the bottom of the screen you'll see we've also added a live feed from our blog, The To View More >>
You can change your product listings any time, so feel free to experiment. Prices too high? Lower them. Reckon you can charge more? Raise them. Want to jazz up your blurb? Do it. Want more templates per collection? Or to include more thumbnails? Or add thumbnail images...? Well you might need to delete the old product and add a new one. But it's quick and easy and worth the effort to get it right. Next tip. Cheers, Danny (the pragmatist). To View More >>
Talk about your products. Tweet, Facebook, blog whatever. We're doing our bit to promote the store, but it's your job to get them to come to you. And don't just talk about your own templates. Talk about the "Photojunction Store" itself. More in the Store. The more the merrier. Next tip. Danny (social media man) To View More >>
The search patterns in the store are showing very, very clear trends. People are looking for... Album Companies (eg "Queensberry","KISS","graphistudio" etc) Album Formats (eg "10x10","12x12","10x14" etc) Orientation (eg "Vertical", "Horizontal", "Landscape" etc) And dare I say it, "Free" is pretty popular. Our search feature looks through most of text that you enter when you set up the product you're selling (eg title, description, author, search tags etc). Next tip. Cheers, Danny (SEO expert) To View More >>
Have a range of products to buy. Good. Better. Best. Or do combo deals. Three for the price of two etc. (You'll need to create a separate "product" as the store won't let you discount.) Next tip. Danny (sales coach) To View More >>
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