

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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For a while now we've been asking people to complete a questionnaire when they register on our site. It's optional, and not everybody does, but still the results are so striking I thought I might share some of the charts. It seems that the people checking us out are a little different to the typical "professional" … and that many people don't realise there's plenty to Queensberry beyond books and albums. 1. In the age of Mr Google we're proud that most people say they found us — not through search, or advertising — but through good To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

If you want people to come looking for what’s desirable, not what’s cheapest, build your studio on high-end values. I recently visited an Audi dealership, not to buy a new car, but to learn how Audi sell their beautiful vehicles. Predictably I left desiring something I'd never considered before, and sold on Audi. My intention was to test drive the Audi Q5, but the salesperson suggested that the Q7 might be more comfortable for my height, so out in a Q7 we went. But not just any Q7, a Q7 Premium Plus with sport options! It was more amazing than I can describe … To View More >>

I subscribe to an email newsletter by Bernie Griffiths that I really enjoy. Why? Because Bernie knows what he’s talking about. A very successful professional photographer in Melbourne for many years, he now offers seminars, workshops and mentoring services. Each email is a brief, well-written piece of advice that could have helped so many people we’ve seen enter this industry and struggle over the last forty years. Sound marketing and business practices are key, and even if you disagree with Bernie he’ll make you think. If you like the following, be sure to subscribe at To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

By Megan DiPiero   Frustrated with this situation? You’re talking with a hot lead. Conversation is going smoothly. She loves your work! She’s excited about the possibilities for her shoot! And then her biggest question arrives: “How much will this cost?” You tell her your “starting at” prices and then… crickets. Hmmmm… maybe she didn’t love your work as much as she thought. The convo quickly wraps up and you have this pit in your stomach knowing that another one just bit the dust. : ( What to do? Here’s a sales adage for ya. “If To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Megan DiPiero | Leave a Comment

Will your 2015 album sales predict how well you do next year? Many photographers struggle with album sales, and David and Luke Edmonson freely admit they've struggled too … but not any more. Their 2015 WPPI Masterclass, sponsored by Queensberry, is about the tremendous impact that selling albums can have on your bottom line. We’re running a survey to support them with up-to-the-minute data about how well photographers are doing with album sales, and what’s standing in the way of them doing even better. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY The To View More >>

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