
Recent posts
We’re introducing one of the biggest changes to our book and album line-up in years. Today’s email is to tell you all about it. Our next will be to celebrate with two special offers! For years we’ve offered “free” services with all our albums — free colour correction, free album design, free personal titles, cover motifs and so on. Then, last year, we began experimenting with “unbundling” those services. In other words setting prices for “just the album”, with extra charges for the services if you wanted them. That’s proved so popular To View More >>
15% discount on your shopping cart sales Is your Print Shop live? Are you one of the many photographers reaching out to past clients? Great! It’s the perfect time for online sales in Workspace, so we want to help out with a special offer. Until the end of June we’re offering 15% discount on your retail sales in Workspace. Offer applies to all retail Print Shop and Image Gallery sales of Queensberry products until 30 June. (The offer doesn’t apply to wholesale purchases in Workspace — but check out our ongoing joint promotion!) How it works: Normally, to To View More >>
Hi Everyone, This is a quick message to let you know that New Zealand will be moving from Alert Level 4 to Alert Level 3 on Tuesday 28th April, which means we will be able to reopen production at that time, with strict guidelines to keep our staff safe. Thank you everyone for your patience over the lockdown, and special thanks to those who followed our advice and continued to send their orders in. You — and those whose work we couldn’t deliver before lockdown started — will be at the head of the line on the 28th. And if you do have orders to send, please do so as soon as you To View More >>

Hi, it's Stephen here. For a few weeks now we’ve been in deep discussions about how to navigate the current COVID crisis and, more importantly, support the industry we love so much. So it seems a little ironic that, as part of those discussions, today we’re releasing a book called “Love’s Not Enough”. Ironic because we do love our industry, we believe love drives our industry, and yet … love's not enough. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Anyone who’s got close to Queensberry and our family knows that, while we love what we To View More >>
We believe successful wedding and portrait photographers need to love two things — taking photos and making sales! So we love to see our clients running promotions, and we like to help with them if we can. You can run successful promos for any number of reasons, for example a Winter Sale, an offer to past clients or to book new ones. Or to promote a good cause, your new products, or your new website. The point is they're YOUR promotions. We're just here to help if we can, generally with 15% additional discount on all Queensberry To View More >>
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