

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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We’ve just released the Queensberry Help Centre, a new resource where photographers can get answers 24/7 about things Queensberry and Workspace — everything from detailed product information to helpful video tutorials. Click here to check it out, or go to your Workspace Dashboard and click on Support. The Help Centre is a work in progress, and we’d love your feedback and suggestions for additional content. Over the next few weeks we’ll be reviewing all content for relevance, clarity and accuracy. For now the “other software” category remains To View More >>

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Last week we were enjoying drinks and nibbles with some photographers in the Design Space, and they asked, why all the pictures on the walls? The short answer: We’re visual people and we need visual prompts. The long answer: It’s part of our design process. We fill walls with things that inspire us, projects we’re working on and ideas for the future. They remind us what we’re up to and where we’re going. Workspace has been our main focus as designers this year. We’re a small team, and it seemed a daunting task. “Where do we start?” we To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

Be bold, make a statement, choose a Panorama Flushmount. Just over a year ago we released our Panorama Flushmount albums. With pages creased at the spine, not cut.  Seamless, and perfect for bold and beautiful Imagery. But not only can you design stunning, uninterrupted panoramic layouts, you can add more pages as well. Simply select our medium- rather than heavy-weight option. Our new medium panoramic albums take up to 45 pages in total (90 sides) whereas with traditional heavy-weight pages the limit is 30 (60 sides).  Panorama albums have raced away to To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

UPDATE: Our new PDF pricelists are now available to download. You'll need to be logged in. Sorry, the online calculators will be a few days yet. New Treasure Box. New Packaging. New Covers. New Books. New Pages. We’re rolling out a series of major product updates, so let’s get straight to it! For an overview, please click through to the What's New page on There’s something for everyone to love, and you’ll find lots of photos. Our new price lists will be uploaded on Monday. As you'll see, we’ve made big changes to our covers and packaging, To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

What a difference two weeks make. Before the holidays the word of the day was over. Over Work. Over Shopping. Over Eating! Rested and restored the world looks a different place, and the word of the day is new. New Year. New Treasure Box. New Packaging. New Covers. New Books. New Pages. We’re welcoming 2015 with our most comprehensive product update in ages. And if you’re going to SWPP in London you'll be first to see them — Stephen and Sonya are looking forward to catching up. We'll have more about products and prices in just a few days, but meantime, what did we learn from To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment