

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Responsibility

When our friends from NZTE (New Zealand Trade and Enterprise) wanted a customised book designed for Judith Thompson, the retiring Director of Better by Design, we were more than happy to jump aboard. The brief was for Queensberry to design, print and bind a book filled with photos and personal messages supplied by staff, clients and friends from her time with NZTE. Click on the images to take a closer look. Judith’s overall responsibility included a range of design education initiatives including the regional CEO talk series, study tours to Silicon Valley and Better By Design's annual CEO Summit. To View More >>

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Last year we introduced The Queensberry Press, our first toe-dip into the brave new world of digital offset-printing. Everyone, from our designers to our developers immediately started working hard on v2.0 - starting with a hard look at what you had to say about the first release! So here's what's in The Queensberry Press v2.0. It starts with a really good introductory deal. Order any Queensberry Press book before Friday 20th May 2011 and you'll pay half price. Our discount on all "value packages" also increases from the normal 40% to 50% for the same period (as listed in Photojunction). We've To View More >>

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Today we're announcing free album design and free standard colour correction on all our professional albums - Flushmount, Overlay Matted, Classic Matted and Duo. Here's why... When we're discussing how we can improve our products and services, we ask ourselves three questions: Can we make it fun? Will it save you time? Will it make you money? This time we're aiming for all three :) Many of our customers pay us to colour correct their images. Many pay us to design their albums as well. Many more wish they could afford to do the same. ALL OF YOU are going to enjoy one of two things. A fresh chance To View More >>

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I've been following the latest hate war against David Jay and PASS with interest. Here's the post that started it all, and here's what it's all about. I like my commercial messages straight, so I wish David didn't come on to you like a TV evangelist, but that aside, he's not wrong about everything. So because we hate hate speech of every kind I thought I'd explain what he's right about before I get into where we part company... David is promoting what he calls Shoot & Share, which in practice means a photographer shoots an event and hosts the images on David's service, PASS, where the customers To View More >>

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I'm a bit frustrated! We have two new initiatives to launch but we can't get either out until next week, so I thought I'd try and clear up a few misconceptions about SEO... SEO comes to mind for two reasons. First, in Ian's 14 Tips post a while back he said (rather carelessly!), "10. Link to the venues, florists, dressmakers and other vendors who were connected to the event - another Workspace feature. They'll love you for it, and linking is great for SEO." Someone commented, "Yes, linking is great for SEO, but for the [site] you are linking to, not for you… I'm always wary about linking to…vendors' To View More >>

This entry was posted in , Loves not enough, by Admin | Leave a Comment