

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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To us, an album is a purchase that matters. A personal treasure about a special moment in time. To enjoy, to share and to pass on. But in a changing world we understand that not everyone wants a grand album, and that for many of us our tastes and lifestyles have moved towards “smaller is better”. That’s why we’ve been focusing on how our product range can accommodate this trend ... and re-imagining our Portrait Album. We've taken the good parts of that range (streamlined workflow, simple unbundled offering, competitive pricing, fast delivery) and brought new To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

“Take the first step and we'll go the extra mile" has always been a core value at Queensberry. Today we're going a few steps further for the people who deserve our support the most, our regular clients: 1. We’re increasing our Tier Discounts to regular customers by 250% — 2-1/2 times more discount than before! Click here for Tier Discount rates, and how they work.  2. Regular clients can now order their studio sample products at 40% discount all year round. No need to wait for our special offers to save. What this means is that if you’re a regular client you never To View More >>

This entry was posted in Product Updates by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

Stephen and Adrienne are about to board a flight to Las Vegas to check things out with an eye to the future! If you're in Vegas for WPPI and would like to meet up, send us an email and we'll see what we can work out. They do have meetings lined up, but they'd love to talk if they can make it happen! Every year we run deals over the trade show season, though, and this year we have something for everyone, so here goes: • 40% off sample albums, books and boxes:  Quote Code SMP40 when ordering. • 10% off full price production orders for Flushmount albums only:  To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

START 2019 LOOKING GOOD WITH OUR BEST DEALS OF THE YEAR UPDATE: We've extended these offers until 31 January so our new friends from SWPP, PPA, IWPOTY and elsewhere don't miss out. We're back!! But January can be s-l-o-w, and we hate twiddling our thumbs, which is why we offer Early Birds our best deals of the year. Don’t miss out! Both these offers end Monday 21st Jan 2019. Our normal conditions apply. SAMPLE ALBUMS AND BOXES Products like albums and wall art put more cash in your back pocket. They’re an expression of your professional pride as well … and To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

There are 10,000,002 ways to create a Queensberry … approximately … but who's counting?! We’re proud of our huge range of materials, colours, cover styles, page types, paper stocks, and embossing and print options. With them you can create something truly unique. But with lots of choice come lots of decisions. It can be like ordering at a fabulous restaurant with a 10-page menu, wishing you could have it all. So we thought we’d use our new sample album to demonstrate how to  simplify your design choices  and create unique "looks" To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment