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Album selling from galleries has been one of our most requested features and we're very excited to launch it today! In this blog post we’ll walk you through how our new online album selling feature works and how to set it up in your account. If you have questions or need help setting up your price lists, please email We’re here to help! How the feature works and how to set it up in your account Like all the other products available for sale through Client Galleries, you’ll start by adding the album options you want to offer (sizes, covers, To View More >>

It’s always great to bring you good news, so today we can announce an extended range of embossings fonts, the return of title pages and … a mistake fixed! Title pages They’re back! We’ve found a new supplier after a long search, so please feel free to order :) Standard personal embossings Personal embossing is our most popular cover style, and no wonder — they’re a lovely way to personalise an album cover and add visual interest, and we’ve just made some changes… But first, we offer two types of personal embossing, Custom (where you To View More >>
We very rarely share the positive reviews we receive from our clients but the other day we received a pretty special one from one of our new Print Shop users, Damien Lovegrove. He's a "go for it" guy who'd launched his store within a week of deciding to use Print Shop, and within days of that made his first large format canvas sale. We're sharing his review for two reasons: It offers great advice for anyone starting out — why he chose the platform, and the challenges he faced when setting it up. If you're already using Print Shop we'd love your thoughts over on the insider about what features To View More >>
How to talk about products? In a nutshell, in your own voice, with conviction! Let's start by saying there are three aspects to this: Talking about products. Sharing about products. Believing in products. Talking about products We'll be brief because we've covered this in a separate article, about how to sell more without being "pushy" or "sales-y". Photographers who love selling probably don't need our help, so it's addressed mainly to those who're shy about it — which is possibly most of us. In that article we discuss how to build "talking about products" into To View More >>
When's the right time for a promotion? Certainly for the holidays — so your clients can have their beautiful printed products under the tree for Christmas. The ultimate in personal gifts! Or when the wedding season's over — and you have time to chase past clients who're still dilly-dallying about their album. And for what purpose? Maybe to turn your social media audience into paying customers. Or lapsed enquiries into future business. Or past customers into repeat business! But once you've defined your goal, what's involved? This is our take on it, but of To View More >>
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