

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but I've never read a business book. Not really. I've skirted around them … flicked through them … put them back on the shelf. Stephen on the other hand has shelves of them. He reads them and fills me in on the concepts. It's worked for many years :-) So a friend comes for the weekend and hands me this book … tells me I MUST read it: The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth by Chris Brogan, one of Stephen’s favourites. I think it's the title that grabbed me. I’ve always felt we've bordered on the right side of being freaks. To View More >>

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A few clients have told us that they prefer to export their own printing files (page layouts) in Photojunction, but the "Export" button seems to have disappeared. So what have we done with it? Whether the Export button appears or not is dependent on whether you or we (Queensberry) are to do the exporting, and that depends on the option you choose in the Service dropdown menu during album set up. Looking at the screenshot, if you choose Print and Assemble you'll need to do the export - ie create the PSD layouts and, if need be, edit the files before you upload them to us. If you chose Export, Print To View More >>

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WPPI 2014 was an exciting time for Queensberry, not least because it was there that Sonya and I first met Gregory Georges. Greg is an award-winning master photographer, and the bestselling author of ten books on digital photography and image editing. He's featured in The New York Times Magazine, Sports Illustrated and many other magazines. Greg spent several years in software marketing and sales, including five years in England. He has a B.S. degree in business, double majoring in marketing and management. For the last few years he's been in partnership with Jonathon Penney, master print maker To View More >>

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"Value your time, skill, training and art" - Today we're talking to Lauren & Delwyn about the photography industry, designing albums and building your brand.  • Tell us a bit about yourselves and how you got into photography Delwyn and I are both trained Graphic Designers, Delwyn at Unitec, and myself at Waikato University. We met through a mutual workplace in 2008, and started second shooting weddings for each other. • How do you promote your business and build your brand? We work hard to create a strong 'word of mouth' brand. We also take advantage of the internet as much as we can To View More >>

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From our little corner of the world, here's wishing all you Americans and Canadians a happy thanksgiving. Sadly we don't celebrate the day in New Zealand, so we spent it at work - it's Friday morning here now - but we wish we could join you. It's a reminder to pause and give thanks for our blessings, so here's a huge heartfelt thank you to ALL our friends, readers, likers and commenters, album customers, Workspace users and PJ geeks, brides and grooms, mums and dads, suppliers and partners - and of course all our bindery, lab, IT, design and support staff, past and present - in fact all who make To View More >>

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