

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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UPDATE: Our new PDF pricelists are now available to download. You'll need to be logged in. Sorry, the online calculators will be a few days yet. New Treasure Box. New Packaging. New Covers. New Books. New Pages. We’re rolling out a series of major product updates, so let’s get straight to it! For an overview, please click through to the What's New page on There’s something for everyone to love, and you’ll find lots of photos. Our new price lists will be uploaded on Monday. As you'll see, we’ve made big changes to our covers and packaging, To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

What a difference two weeks make. Before the holidays the word of the day was over. Over Work. Over Shopping. Over Eating! Rested and restored the world looks a different place, and the word of the day is new. New Year. New Treasure Box. New Packaging. New Covers. New Books. New Pages. We’re welcoming 2015 with our most comprehensive product update in ages. And if you’re going to SWPP in London you'll be first to see them — Stephen and Sonya are looking forward to catching up. We'll have more about products and prices in just a few days, but meantime, what did we learn from To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

CHOICE, TRUST AND TECHNOLOGY Has your lab stopped offering traditional silver halide printing? It’s sad to see such a gloriously refined technology abandoned. With forty years pro lab experience, and chemicals in our veins, we aren’t ready to turn our backs on traditional photographic printing just yet. In fact we think it retains an important place, and we’re committed to the technology. But here’s why the Big Boy Labs are selling the line that silver halide is finished. Their top priority is, and must be, internal efficiency. They have expensive, high-volume machines To View More >>

This entry was posted in , by Stephen Baugh | Leave a Comment

Our support team deals with photographers all day, every day. We know how people struggle with technology. And we think the software that professionals use can be part of the problem… making things worse, not better. How does this make sense? - Hosting your images with one provider, but your website somewhere else. Creating customer websites with a third provider, and mobile apps with a fourth. Designing albums with a fifth, and proofing them with a sixth. Branding your blog images with a seventh, but actually blogging somewhere else again! Each time there's another piece of software to To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Stephen Baugh | Leave a Comment

The charming wedding of Mana and Sepehr was held at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto, Canada. Their photographer, Krista (from Krista Fox Photography), said, The wedding was beautiful in its classic simplicity. Mana and Sepehr are a beautiful couple, and the perfect complement to one another. Take a look at their 15x12 Duo - (the photographs in the abandoned ballroom are my favourite!) A beautiful translucent page to start the album. The first look and couple photos were taken at the top of the King Edward Hotel in a 1920s ballroom that was abandoned in 1950s with the implementation of stricter To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Melissa Dangerfield | Leave a Comment