
Recent posts
We’re thrilled to announce updates to our online galleries to suit both school AND wedding/portrait photography. Are you a full-time wedding and portrait photographer who shoots a few school or day care sessions? Or maybe you’re the opposite? You focus on school sessions but shoot weddings on the side? Either way, until now you couldn’t do both in one Workspace account — and that didn’t suit everyone! Well, that’s changing. If you have a Pro account, just go to your Workspace Image Galleries, click on New Gallery, and you’ll have three choices To View More >>
If you’re a photographer wanting to make a living from your work, you have two big jobs todo — shoot pictures and sell them! Referrals and person-to-person contact are important ways to get your work in front of people, but we live in an online world, which means getting traffic to your website is too. That’s why, whether you’re selling wedding photography, school photography, portraiture, fine art or decor, you need to know about SEO. It’s a crucial aspect of online marketing and website management designed to help you get found online. To View More >>

We're glad to announce that Afterpay (known as Clearpay in the UK) is now supported in Workspace Client Galleries and Print Shop. Afterpay is a payment method that allows your customers to "buy now and pay later". It's particularly popular among ecommerce businesses, and, according to Afterpay, the buy now, pay later approach maximises customer purchasing power. Their retailers report as much as a 50% increase in average order value, and 2-3x more units per transaction. Read on to learn more! What is Afterpay (Clearpay)? Afterpay gives your customers a way to pay To View More >>
We very rarely share the positive reviews we receive from our clients but the other day we received a pretty special one from one of our new Print Shop users, Damien Lovegrove. He's a "go for it" guy who'd launched his store within a week of deciding to use Print Shop, and within days of that made his first large format canvas sale. We're sharing his review for two reasons: It offers great advice for anyone starting out — why he chose the platform, and the challenges he faced when setting it up. If you're already using Print Shop we'd love your thoughts over on the insider about what features To View More >>
When's the right time for a promotion? Certainly for the holidays — so your clients can have their beautiful printed products under the tree for Christmas. The ultimate in personal gifts! Or when the wedding season's over — and you have time to chase past clients who're still dilly-dallying about their album. And for what purpose? Maybe to turn your social media audience into paying customers. Or lapsed enquiries into future business. Or past customers into repeat business! But once you've defined your goal, what's involved? This is our take on it, but of To View More >>
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