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Pete started off his recent posts by saying that colour management is one of the cornerstones of digital photography, but often misunderstood. Let me describe what you can reasonably expect from a sound colour management system consistently applied (certainly not miracles!). What you can expect 1. A reasonable indication of what your final print will look like (assuming you're sending the files print-ready). 2. To avoid gross errors (an Adobe 1998 file treated as if it's sRGB will look strikingly different, especially if colours go out of gamut). 3. Predictability: You can send your files to the To View More >>

I'm often told that brides do all their research online and communicate with photographers only by email. And that it's normal to book a photographer based on such minimal interaction: "Stephen it's no use. They just want a price. It's all about the deal, so I just give them one and hope." I don't believe it. Or at least, I don't believe it's the only possibility. I wasn't going to start these posts this way, but maybe a simple response to this challenge is useful, something you can use immediately. Anyway, here's how I would reply. Rewrite it in your own words of course, but I hope it helps engage To View More >>

As I have just recently gotten married - yay! - I thought I’d write a bit about planning a wedding - a nice, decent, enjoyable wedding - on a budget. Photograph by Alexander Wallace For a little background, my husband Kurt is Dutch. Now the Dutch are said to be like the Scots - just with all the generosity squeezed out of them. And I myself am very cautious when it comes to money - but at the same time I’m a designer and I love beautiful things. I came across this fantastic blog The Broke-Ass Bride which is full of great ideas on how to save money without compromising too much on the overall To View More >>
Well it's been a tough week. No plague of locusts, but nothing else came easy! But we’ve reached final and it’s an amazing feeling. Our company’s growing and we want to show our thanks. Here goes… From Day One our goal has been to build an outstanding application, which is impossible without supportive, committed beta testers. But beta testing is like jury service – who wants to get involved? It's purely voluntary, everyone benefits, and that’s why we’re so grateful. We know it’s been tough at times, but what we've done together is build cool software - thank you. Trust us – To View More >>

Sharon and Dave were married on an early spring afternoon at the beautiful location of Jonah's Whale Beach in Sydney's famously picturesque Northern Beaches. Their photographer Luke Butterly from LB Photography says that "as a couple they're very easy going and the wedding was happy and laid back. The bride has a beautiful way about her which comes through in the photographs, her dress was very elegant and understated which suited her perfectly and set the tone for the whole event. We chose the pool area at Palm beach for the wedding photography and then went to Pittwater for sunset, where on To View More >>
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