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Someone asked the other day why some photographers using Print Shop seem to be selling their prints “quite cheaply”. "I can understand that there is potentially volume in art prints that isn't there with portraits. But I still wonder how a client might feel if the price is significantly lower for an art print." I think there are a few questions here — does the difference in price matter? Are people undercharging? — and anyway, how much should you charge? I'll leave the last one for later, but meantime… 1. Why might you need to charge differently for your art versus To View More >>
How to talk about products? In a nutshell, in your own voice, with conviction! Let's start by saying there are three aspects to this: Talking about products. Sharing about products. Believing in products. Talking about products We'll be brief because we've covered this in a separate article, about how to sell more without being "pushy" or "sales-y". Photographers who love selling probably don't need our help, so it's addressed mainly to those who're shy about it — which is possibly most of us. In that article we discuss how to build "talking about products" into To View More >>

“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.” – Oscar Wilde In this series we shine a light on artists expressing their individuality, documenting what they love, working hard on their craft, and sharing it with the world. Gemma is an adventure and travel photographer currently based in the South Island. Born and raised in Nelson, she's grown up exploring the three national parks that border her home city.? "My style has been largely influenced by my upbringing in Nelson. Surrounded by beautiful beaches, lakes, mountains, and sheltered seas, To View More >>
We have two Print Shop updates to set you up and inspire you for the holiday season! 1. We've launched the Print Shop Instagram account. Print Shop users sell their imagery (people, places, landscapes etc) as decor or works of art — quite different to portrait and wedding photography marketed to "the people in the viewfinder". This space will be dedicated solely to Print Shop and selling online. We'll share the beautiful work of the photographers and artists using our platform, spiced up with tips and inspiration about To View More >>

15% off Matted Print Boxes for the month of September! To celebrate our new Studio Box paper and print options, this month all fully assembled Matted Print Boxes are 15% off using the code STANDOUT2020. Our Matted Print Boxes are designed to be different. As well as our range of print options, you have over 40 cover materials to choose from. It's simple to customise the mats with our easy to use software, to suit each photograph and create unique designs. We'll deliver to your studio for free, or direct to your clients with our free drop-shipping To View More >>
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