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A few weeks ago we gave you a sneak peek at a major upgrade to our Client Galleries, designed to make it easier than ever for wedding and portrait photographers to sell print products to their clients. It' s based on what we've learned from the success of Print Shop, our other online sales platform. We're delighted to announce that it's now live, and accessible on all paid Workspace plans. Here we'll step you through the main features, but first, we're often asked — why do we offer two platforms? Because the customers are totally different, and so To View More >>
Someone asked the other day why some photographers using Print Shop seem to be selling their prints “quite cheaply”. "I can understand that there is potentially volume in art prints that isn't there with portraits. But I still wonder how a client might feel if the price is significantly lower for an art print." I think there are a few questions here — does the difference in price matter? Are people undercharging? — and anyway, how much should you charge? I'll leave the last one for later, but meantime… 1. Why might you need to charge differently for your art versus To View More >>
We have two Print Shop updates to set you up and inspire you for the holiday season! 1. We've launched the Print Shop Instagram account. Print Shop users sell their imagery (people, places, landscapes etc) as decor or works of art — quite different to portrait and wedding photography marketed to "the people in the viewfinder". This space will be dedicated solely to Print Shop and selling online. We'll share the beautiful work of the photographers and artists using our platform, spiced up with tips and inspiration about To View More >>
If you can’t name five things that differentiate you from your competitors, there’s probably only one – your price. Here's what differentiates Queensberry: 1. We believe the way to succeed is to stand out from the crowd, not to join it. There’s less competition, more satisfaction and more pride at the high end of the market … and it’s our job to help get you there. Think of our albums as profit centres, not costs. 2. We’re design-led. The people in your viewfinder will be looking at your albums for much longer than we will. They must look beautiful To View More >>

Should you focus all your marketing energy on finding new customers? Maybe not! Generating extra revenue from the clients you already have can be simple, effective and very satisfying. This excellent article by Ago Cluytens explains a few ways to go about it, and in this post we're going to look at how to apply his ideas to your photography business. As you're reading, ask yourself, "How can I add value for my clients using these strategies?" It's not about taking, it's about giving more than people expect. 1. Cross-selling "...the To View More >>
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