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After many requests we’ve introduced a new depth for our Matted Print Boxes. Which means your clients can now order a box to hold up to 30 of their favourite prints. Click the button below to check them out. We think they look awesome! Click these links to read more about our boxes and view our pricing. And of course, if you have any questions, hit reply and we'll answer them for you. A big thank you to @tracymunsonphotography for making us look so good. Alexandria x To View More >>
We often make the mistake of making our marketing about ourselves — what we're doing, and what we need, rather than the value we're creating for our audience. People who write code love what they do, but their customers don't. They just want an app that works. You love photography but your clients love the memories you make for them. Memories or a picture for the wall. When you're thinking about business or marketing campaigns, focus on your customers. What's in it for them? To View More >>
I'm going to be a bit pushy here. Our series on selling albums talks about: — setting expectations — making it clear you sell them, and why! — making it easy for your clients to buy — not coming across as "pushy or sales-y" etc. I think that's good, sensible stuff — I helped write them, so there's that! — but let's face it, they lack something: ambition. Sales-ambitious or sales-shy? Portrait and wedding photographers come in all shapes and sizes, attitudes and ambitions, but one of the most important things that define them is surely their attitude to To View More >>

“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.” – Oscar Wilde In this series we shine a light on artists expressing their individuality, documenting what they love, working hard on their craft, and sharing it with the world. Cole Holyoake is a Wellington based digital illustrator. He's also creatively involved in two tech start-ups and he's "deeply inspired" by influential figures around him. Cole says his schedule can be chaotic and random — eight hours with a drawing tablet; or a mix of 3D modelling To View More >>

“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.” – Oscar Wilde In this series we shine a light on artists expressing their individuality, documenting what they love, working hard on their craft, and sharing it with the world. Jay French is a Christchurch-based adventure photographer who specialises in mountainsides, gnarly bike trails and "before dawn to after sunset". He believes he's always been into photography, one way or another, but in the beginning didn't think of it as anything more than an appreciation for To View More >>
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