

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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That's a question we've been asked a few times, and the answer is different for Press Books and Press Albums. Books are inherently more affordable than albums – although as the saying goes you can really pimp your ride with Queensberry’s Press Books: translucents, art papers, leather covers, Mayu cases, the works. In fact it’s surprised (and gratified) us a bit how many of you have gone for the upmarket options. On the other hand, with Press Albums the challenge was two-fold: to offer something you couldn’t get with our classic albums (art papers in particular) and to strike a dramatically To View More >>

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In 1981, I was on a fishing boat chugging from Tulagi to Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, taking the Asian Development Bank auditor to catch his plane. He said to me, “Have you heard of a company called Apple?” Ah, no. “They could change your life”, he said. “Anybody can have a computer now, and just imagine what it could do in your warehouse.” Back then, managing a boat yard in the Solomons involved importing everything from hammers and nails, and nuts and bolts, to the Caterpillar engines that drove the ten tuna pole and line catcher boats we were building. Our warehouse was a To View More >>

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Thinking about the December holiday season already? We are. It's our busiest time of the year, and because we hand-make all our albums to order, November and December can be very hectic - especially as we close down for three weeks over the NZ summer holidays. Short story: If you definitely want your Album or Press Book before the holidays, we'll need your order by the 10th of November (23 October if we're designing for you). Long story: We work really hard to get most if not all our November and December work out before the holidays, so even if you place orders in late November/early December To View More >>

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Here's a beautiful press book of a collection of landscapes and seascapes on the West Coast of Scotland, photographed by Simon Mark Whitten of Firehorse Photography. Simon say's "the images were a few snaps that I took (mainly with a compact camera) on holiday recently for a few days with my family!" Those 'few snaps' look absoloutely stunning in black and white, printed on Queensberry's Pearl Metallic paper stock. Take a look at a few layouts. To see more of Simon's work, click here. Enjoy! Anna To View More >>

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To continue my rave on The Junction earlier in the year about image slicing and dicing, here are a few thoughts about designing a pressbook with particular consideration to keeping your mind (and your clients' heads) out of the gutter! Photojunction makes designing a Queensberry album very easy and FAST. But while the layouts look very similar on-screen between albums and press books - in reality these two products are vastly different. When you're working on screen it's really easy to forget that a press book is, well, a book, and the pages don't lie flat. Queensberry press books (like most other To View More >>

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