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By Megan DiPiero Frustrated with this situation? You’re talking with a hot lead. Conversation is going smoothly. She loves your work! She’s excited about the possibilities for her shoot! And then her biggest question arrives: “How much will this cost?” You tell her your “starting at” prices and then… crickets. Hmmmm… maybe she didn’t love your work as much as she thought. The convo quickly wraps up and you have this pit in your stomach knowing that another one just bit the dust. : ( What to do? Here’s a sales adage for ya. “If To View More >>

UPDATE: Our new PDF pricelists are now available to download. You'll need to be logged in. Sorry, the online calculators will be a few days yet. New Treasure Box. New Packaging. New Covers. New Books. New Pages. We’re rolling out a series of major product updates, so let’s get straight to it! For an overview, please click through to the What's New page on There’s something for everyone to love, and you’ll find lots of photos. Our new price lists will be uploaded on Monday. As you'll see, we’ve made big changes to our covers and packaging, To View More >>

Well, Saturday the 21st June is the shortest day down under … or as we call it, Mid-Winter Christmas. Our friends up north are cranking up for the wedding season (busy busy busy), while in our part of the world people tend to be wrapping up one season, thinking about the next. But I’ve been thinking how we can save you TIME and MONEY :) First... Time! Wedding photographers get so busy with post-production, and yet we can help with that and it won’t cost a penny. I’m talking about our FREE ALBUM DESIGN AND COLOUR CORRECTION service. More than half our customers are To View More >>

"Value your time, skill, training and art" - Today we're talking to Lauren & Delwyn about the photography industry, designing albums and building your brand. • Tell us a bit about yourselves and how you got into photography Delwyn and I are both trained Graphic Designers, Delwyn at Unitec, and myself at Waikato University. We met through a mutual workplace in 2008, and started second shooting weddings for each other. • How do you promote your business and build your brand? We work hard to create a strong 'word of mouth' brand. We also take advantage of the internet as much as we can To View More >>

So you've gone to the trouble of uploading images and setting up price lists for Queensberry Print products, hoping to make some extra income for Christmas. But there's one more thing to do. Your work and images will just disappear into the lonely reaches of the internet unless you make a noise... Remember the internet is NOT like a shopping mall. People can't just walk past and see what you've got in your window. So think of Workspace like a soapbox. You need to stand up on it and draw a crowd. Not that it's hard! First, let your past clients know about the fantastic new products on offer. Give To View More >>
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