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There's no gift more personal than beautiful photography, beautifully presented. Fancy a new income stream this holiday season? We've just updated Workspace so you can sell all our Queensberry Print products in your own Workspace shopping cart - not just prints and canvases but fully finished Q-Frames, Q-Boxes and Q-Books. In the past you've had to order these directly from us, but now you can add them to your own cart, set your own prices, and promote and sell them to your own customers. We do the rest We'll print from your image files in Workspace and deliver the finished products pretty much To View More >>
You can now offer all Queensberry Print products, including Q-Boxes, Q-Books and Q-Frames, in your own Workspace shopping cart (more about that here). To celebrate we're offering 15% discount off all Queensberry Print products this week only! Approved accounts also qualify for 15% trade discount, so this is a real bargain). Enter code QBYPP13 when you order. But wait there's more! If you're new to Workspace and would like to give it a try, we've got 30% discount off Workspace annual plans this week only*. Login to Workspace here, enter code WS1013 and the discount will be applied. *Workspace To View More >>
When our friends from NZTE (New Zealand Trade and Enterprise) wanted a customised book designed for Judith Thompson, the retiring Director of Better by Design, we were more than happy to jump aboard. The brief was for Queensberry to design, print and bind a book filled with photos and personal messages supplied by staff, clients and friends from her time with NZTE. Click on the images to take a closer look. Judith’s overall responsibility included a range of design education initiatives including the regional CEO talk series, study tours to Silicon Valley and Better By Design's annual CEO Summit. To View More >>
A while ago I suggested "keeping it simple" was a great goal ... but not simple to achieve in a complicated job like photography. But I did suggest you could do it with Queensberry. Take our Design Service. There are benefits to doing your own album design, so what I'm about to say isn't going to work for everyone. But if you're snowed under or uncomfortable with album design it's worth serious thought. Say on average you spend 3-4 hours on each album design ... and many people do spend a lot more. Send them to Queensberry and you've just freed up at least a day. You can bet that at this time To View More >>
If you've been wondering where we've been lately, this is it! We're excited – even proud in an understated Kiwi way ;) to announce Queensberry Press version 3.0. We get to say "yes" to a lot of things you've been asking for, and well ... we think you'll like the prices! So with that little fanfare please welcome Queensberry Press Albums. Press printed, flushmount or matted albums. Simple, affordable and gorgeous. Here are some of the features: Pages are either flushmount - unmatted and similar to our digital albums... ... or matted - overlay style in a clean cut page block reminiscent of Duo. To View More >>
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