FAQ > Doing business with Queensberry > About our prices
How to use our price calculators
You can review our prices and get an instant cost estimate for any Queensberry product using our price calculators in Workspace.
How to use our price calculators
To view the album price calculator, click here.
To view the calculator for wall art, boxes, prints etc, click here.
Step 1: Login to workspace and click ‘product pricing’Step 2: Select either album pricing or print product pricing (prints, frames, boxes, matted prints, canvases)
Step 3: Select the product category you would like to receive a quote for
Step 4: Select each component of the product you will be ordering
NOTE: You can click on the gold links to read more about each of the options.Step 5: Compare pricing (please note, if you have missed one of the selections your pricing will be incorrect. Missed selections will show as $0.00 in the price summary)
Important notes regarding our price calculators:
Calculate the total price: For most products, if you select specific details like the number of pages in an album, the cover material etc, the calculator will work out the total price in your local currency.
Compare prices: the calculator will also help you compare prices side by side across different options, such as album sizes, frame styles, canvas types etc.
Prices are estimates: The price calculator displays our current prices, but please treat the total as an estimate only, as there may be extra charges — for example if your order is changed, non-standard or requires extra work. Taxes are not included, and you may qualify for discounts. Read more about how our album pricing works.
Freight: Shipping is free for most products, but is an extra charge for loose, matted and mounted prints. You can check the cost under the Other products/Freight tab.
Discounts and extra charges: We offer Tier, Companion, Studio Sample and Promotional discounts. These are not reflected in the price calculators, but will be applied in the Workspace Shopping Cart, or when you confirm and pay for your album orders.
Email: info@queensberry.com
Free Phone Numbers:
New Zealand: 0800 905 905
Australia: 1800 146 251
USA: +18668350851
UK: 0800 808 5271
Canada: +1 855 581 0370