FAQ > Photo Albums > Third-party Designed Albums

How to upload additional support files for an album order

Here's how to upload additional support, image, page layout, custom embossing or other files for an album order.

Note:You will need to have already sent the album order to Queensberry before this function will work! — you’ll receive an email advice once we’ve received the order.

Step By Step...

1. Assuming you have received confirmation that we've received your album order, go back to Workspace and click Albums in the main navigation. Your album will now have a Queensberry Order No.

2. Click the blue link to open the album, then click the View Album Details button.

3. With the Album Details window open, click Upload Support Files.

4. Enter a brief explanation of the files that you’re uploading.

5. Once you've done that you’ll be able to drag and drop the files into Workspace. Click the button to upload the files to Queensberry

6. Send a brief email to orders@queensberry.com including the Queensberry Order No. and a brief explanation of the files you've uploaded. You should hear back from us within 1-2 days.

7. We’ll take it from there!