FAQ > Doing business with Queensberry > How we deliver to our customers
If you want to set a deadline ("must-go date") for an order…
1. We cannot set must-go dates until:
We have received all the details of your order (including copy album orders etc) PLUS all images, including page layouts, cover images, embossings etc, PLUS personal text for cover motifs, titles etc.
You have answered our queries and confirmed the order.
We have received payment.
2. Until your order has been confirmed and paid for the ONLY advice we can give you about delivery times will be based on our standard turnaround times.
3. Our order processing staff will enter a "must-go" flag against your order provided that the production time required to process your order is NOT shorter than our current standard turnaround time, (in other words, won't require moving your order ahead of orders already in the queue). You can expect our staff to advise you of factors that could delay your order (eg materials out of stock).
4. Must-go deadlines that are shorter than our current standard turnaround times require authorisation by our production manager and in fairness to all our clients, will normally be declined.
5. Remember, the clock doesn't start "ticking" until your order has been confirmed and paid for.
6. If we experience problems with your printing files (eg unexpected quality problems, non-compliance with our file specifications) your order will need to come out of the production queue until these issues are resolved, and delays will result.
Email: info@queensberry.com
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