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We've added some new functionality to two buttons you'll know well. Until now, the Rotate buttons in the Event Window have just rotated images. Now they allow you to rotate single sided templates as well (by 90, 180 or 270°). Simply select the single sided template and use the buttons to rotate it to the right or left. picture-112 In this case the template has been rotated 90° to the right, and is ready to apply to a layout. picture-10 OK, that's half the story. By default templates are double-sided, and you can select them and click the Split button at the top of the Event window to make them single-sided. But Photojunction doesn't split the original. It makes a single-sided copy and keeps the original. Very handy if you've got a square album and want to make three copies so you can rotate them by 90, 180 and 270°. Cheers, Nigel
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Replicating and rotating templates | The Junction | Webmaster Tools
July 9, 2009, 1:32 am
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