

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Want your album featured on our Facebook page or blog? Thanks to the PJ team, you can now send us ‘My Album's Hot’ submissions for Pressbooks, Overlay Matted and Flushmount albums (previously only available for Duo and Classic Matted albums). albums_hot_1 Just tick the box in the PJ album setup screen and your album (or book) will be submitted when you send your order. We aim to choose an album a day for our Facebook page, and one a week to feature on the blog. If your album is chosen, you get free publicity and cross-promotion with Queensberry. It’s a nice marketing opportunity and it only takes the click of a button. We receive a lot of submissions every day from photographers all around the globe, so unfortunately we can’t feature them all. But we do love seeing the diverse and amazing albums that are sent through, and it takes no time at all, so keep 'em coming! Check out our Facebook page to see previous hot albums!
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