
This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.

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That is the big question.
Andy Warhol said, “It is art as long as it's signed.”
John Cage said, “It is anything you can get away with.”
Why is it so important (to some) to be seen/considered as an artist?
Are we as photographers overselling what we do when we call it art?
Are we selling our vision as artists or our ability to use a filter or two to create art for the masses?
Doc Ross once said that, ”If it comes with a statement then it is art ... otherwise it is just decoration.”
So Art has a signature, intent, and a certain freedom.
Most importantly, ‘Who cares?’
Maybe we care because it adds value to what we do. This value is something that cannot be measured in inches or centimeters, but is quoted in dollars and cents.
Part of the ‘Art story’ is respect for the work ... and part of showing respect is how you present it.
Enough said!